قلب شجاع - Brave Heart  قلب شجاع - Brave Heart

آخر الأخبار

جاري التحميل ...

Family Facts

Family Facts 
You love someone, you marry someone else !
The one you marry becomes your spouse !
And the one you loved becomes the password of your e-mail id !

There's only one perfect child in the world and every mother has it.
There's only one perfect wife in the world and every neighbor has it.

Three dreams of a man: 
To be as handsome as his mother thinks.
To be as rich as his child believes.
To have as many women as his wife suspects.

Husband and wife are like liver and kidney.
Husband is the liver and the wife is the kidney.
If the liver fails, the kidney fails.
If the kidney fails, the liver manages with other kidney !

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قلب شجاع - Brave Heart