Overseas Organisations For SCI -1-
-Verband der Querschnittgelaehmten Oesterreichs – VQOe
(Spinal Cord Injury Federation of Austria), Sahulkastraße 3 / Stg. 9 / R10, A-1100 Wien
Tel/Fax: +43 1 616 86 78
Web: www.vqo.at
Email: Fritz.Gardavsky@vqo.at
(Spinal Cord Injury Federation of Austria), Sahulkastraße 3 / Stg. 9 / R10, A-1100 Wien
Tel/Fax: +43 1 616 86 78
Web: www.vqo.at
-Representive of Austria in European Spinal Cord Injury Federation (ESCIF):
Ing. Hans Wiesinger (Member of the Executive in VQOe)
Pfarrgasse 28, A 4600 Wels, Austria
Tel: +43 664 93 53 861
Email: hannes.wiesinger@liwest.at
Ing. Hans Wiesinger (Member of the Executive in VQOe)
Pfarrgasse 28, A 4600 Wels, Austria
Tel: +43 664 93 53 861
Email: hannes.wiesinger@liwest.at
-Disability First Stop
37 Hampden Rd, Nedlands, WA 6009
Tel: +61 (0)8 9386 7513 -Fax +61 (0)8 9386 6705
(Toll Free in Australia: 18 +193 331)
Web: www.disabilityfirststop.asn.au
37 Hampden Rd, Nedlands, WA 6009
Tel: +61 (0)8 9386 7513 -Fax +61 (0)8 9386 6705
(Toll Free in Australia: 18 +193 331)
Web: www.disabilityfirststop.asn.au
-Disability Information and Resource Centre
195 Gilles Street, Adelaide, S A 5000
Tel: +61 8 8236 0555 -Fax: +61 8 8236 0566
Web: www.dircsa.org.au
195 Gilles Street, Adelaide, S A 5000
Tel: +61 8 8236 0555 -Fax: +61 8 8236 0566
Web: www.dircsa.org.au
Email: dirc@dircsa.org.au
-National Industry Association for Disability Services
ACROD Membership Services
Locked Bag 3002
DEAKIN WEST ACT 26, 33 Thesiger Court, Deakin Act 2600
Tel: +61 (0)2 6283 3200 (Direct) -Fax 02 6281 3488
Tel: +61 (0)2 6283 32 (Reception)
Web: www.nds.org.au
ACROD Membership Services
Locked Bag 3002
DEAKIN WEST ACT 26, 33 Thesiger Court, Deakin Act 2600
Tel: +61 (0)2 6283 3200 (Direct) -Fax 02 6281 3488
Tel: +61 (0)2 6283 32 (Reception)
Web: www.nds.org.au
Email: nds@nds.org.au
-North Queensland Office:
PO Box 618, Aitkenvale BC, Queensland 4814
Tel: +61 7 4755 1755 -Fax: +61 7 4723 8677
Web: www.spinal.com.au
PO Box 618, Aitkenvale BC, Queensland 4814
Tel: +61 7 4755 1755 -Fax: +61 7 4723 8677
Web: www.spinal.com.au
Email: enquiries@spinal.com.au
-ParaQuad Victoria
208 Wellington St, Collingwood, Victoria, 3066
Tel: +61 (0)3 9415 1200 -Fax: +61 (0)3 9415 1222
Web: www.paraquad.asn.au
208 Wellington St, Collingwood, Victoria, 3066
Tel: +61 (0)3 9415 1200 -Fax: +61 (0)3 9415 1222
Web: www.paraquad.asn.au
Email: theteam@paraquad.asn.au
-People With Disabilities (WA) Inc
37 Hampden Rd, Nedlands, WA 6009
Tel: +61 (0)8 9386 6477 -Fax +61 (0)8 9386 6705
(Toll Free in Australia: 18 +193 331)
Web: www.pwdwa.org
37 Hampden Rd, Nedlands, WA 6009
Tel: +61 (0)8 9386 6477 -Fax +61 (0)8 9386 6705
(Toll Free in Australia: 18 +193 331)
Web: www.pwdwa.org
Email: info@pwdwa.org
-Spinal Cord Injuries Australia
PO Box 397, Matraville, NSW 2036 Australia
Tel: +61 (0)2 9661 8855 -Fax: +61 2 9661 9598
Web: www.scia.org.au
PO Box 397, Matraville, NSW 2036 Australia
Tel: +61 (0)2 9661 8855 -Fax: +61 2 9661 9598
Web: www.scia.org.au
Email: office@scia.org.au
-Spinal Injuries Association
Head Office, Brisbane
PO Box 5651, West End, Queensland 4101
Tel: +61 0(7) 3391 2044 -Fax: +61 (0)7 3391 2088
Web: www.spinal.com.au
Head Office, Brisbane
PO Box 5651, West End, Queensland 4101
Tel: +61 0(7) 3391 2044 -Fax: +61 (0)7 3391 2088
Web: www.spinal.com.au
E-mail: enquiries@spinal.com.au
-Albanian Para & Tetraplegic Association
Rruga e Durresit
«Ish Uzina Tirana»
Telephone: +355 (0)4 251398 -Fax: +355 (0)4 251398
Email: para_tetra@yahoo.com
Rruga e Durresit
«Ish Uzina Tirana»
Telephone: +355 (0)4 251398 -Fax: +355 (0)4 251398
Email: para_tetra@yahoo.com
-Piekernie VZW,
Heurnestraat 286, B-97 +Oudenaarde, Belgium
Tel/Fax: +32 9 357 4646
Web: www.piekernie.org
Heurnestraat 286, B-97 +Oudenaarde, Belgium
Tel/Fax: +32 9 357 4646
Web: www.piekernie.org
Email: info@piekernie.org
-Canadian Paraplegic Association (Ontario)
520 Sutherland Drive, Toronto, Ontario, M4G 3V9, Canada
Tel: +1 416 422 5644 -Fax: +1 416 422 5943
Web: www.cpaont.org
520 Sutherland Drive, Toronto, Ontario, M4G 3V9, Canada
Tel: +1 416 422 5644 -Fax: +1 416 422 5943
Web: www.cpaont.org
Email: info@cpaont.org
-Canadian Paraplegic Association Inc.
CPA National Office, 1101 Prince of Wales Dr., 230, Ottawa, Ontario, K2C 3W7,Canada
Tel: +1 613 723 1033 -Fax: +1 613 723 1060
Web: www.canparaplegic.org
CPA National Office, 1101 Prince of Wales Dr., 230, Ottawa, Ontario, K2C 3W7,Canada
Tel: +1 613 723 1033 -Fax: +1 613 723 1060
Web: www.canparaplegic.org
Email: info@canparaplegic.org
-Svaz paraplegiků - Centrum Paraple
Ovčárská 471, 108 +Praha 108 - Malešice
Tel: +420 2 74 771 478, +420 2 74 777 973
Web: www.paraple.cz
Ovčárská 471, 108 +Praha 108 - Malešice
Tel: +420 2 74 771 478, +420 2 74 777 973
Web: www.paraple.cz
Email: paraple@paraple.cz
-Dansk Handicap Idraets Forbund
Dækker Region Hovedstaden og Region Sjælland, Idrættens Hus, 2605 Brøndby
Tel: +45 4326 2626 -Fax: +45 4326 6224
Web: www.dhif.dk
Dækker Region Hovedstaden og Region Sjælland, Idrættens Hus, 2605 Brøndby
Tel: +45 4326 2626 -Fax: +45 4326 6224
Web: www.dhif.dk
Email: handicapidraet@dhif.dk
-Danske Handicaporganisationer (DH)
(Disabled Peoples Organisations Denmark - DPOD)
Kløverprisvej 10 B, DK-2650 Hvidovre
Tel: +45 3675 1777 Fax: +45 3675 1403
Web: www.handicap.dk
(Disabled Peoples Organisations Denmark - DPOD)
Kløverprisvej 10 B, DK-2650 Hvidovre
Tel: +45 3675 1777 Fax: +45 3675 1403
Web: www.handicap.dk
Email: dh@handicap.dk
-RYK - Rygmarvsskadede i Danmark
(Danish Spinal Cord Injuries Association)
Dansk Handicap Forbund, Hans Knudsens Plads 1A,DK 21 +Kobenhavn
Tel +45 39 29 55 55 -Fax +45 39 29 35 55
Web: ryk.dk
(Danish Spinal Cord Injuries Association)
Dansk Handicap Forbund, Hans Knudsens Plads 1A,DK 21 +Kobenhavn
Tel +45 39 29 55 55 -Fax +45 39 29 35 55
Web: ryk.dk
Email: info@ryk.dk
-Finnish Association of People with Mobility Disabilities
Spinal Injury Committee, Kumpulantie 1, 00520, Helsinki
Tel: +358 405026308 -Fax: +358 9 146 2404
Web: www.invalidilitto.fi
Spinal Injury Committee, Kumpulantie 1, 00520, Helsinki
Tel: +358 405026308 -Fax: +358 9 146 2404
Web: www.invalidilitto.fi
Email: hatinen.leppanen@pp.inet.fi
-Invalidiliitto ry
(National Association for the Disabled in Finland)
Kumpulantie 1 A, FIN-00520, Helsinki
Tel: +358 9 61 31 91 -Fax: +358 9 146 1443
Web: www.invalidiliitto.fi
(National Association for the Disabled in Finland)
Kumpulantie 1 A, FIN-00520, Helsinki
Tel: +358 9 61 31 91 -Fax: +358 9 146 1443
Web: www.invalidiliitto.fi
Email: fmd@invalidilitto.fi
-L’Association des Paralyses de France (Spinal Cord Injury)
17 Boulevard Auguste Blanui, 75013 Paris
Tel: +33 1 40 78 69 00
Web: www.apf.asso.fr
17 Boulevard Auguste Blanui, 75013 Paris
Tel: +33 1 40 78 69 00
Web: www.apf.asso.fr
-Berufsgenossenschaftliches Unfallkrankenhaus Hamburg
Queschnittgelahmten Zentrum, Bergedorfer Straße 10, 21033, Hamburg
Tel: +49 (0)40 7306-0 -Fax: +49 (0)40,739 46 60
Web: www.buk-hamburg.de
Queschnittgelahmten Zentrum, Bergedorfer Straße 10, 21033, Hamburg
Tel: +49 (0)40 7306-0 -Fax: +49 (0)40,739 46 60
Web: www.buk-hamburg.de
Email: g.exner@buk-hamburg.de
-Bundessarbeitsgemeinschaft der Clubs Behinderter und ihrer Freunde
Langenmarckweg 21, 51465 Berglisch Gladbach
Tel: +49 2202 989988 11
Web: www.bagcbf.de
Langenmarckweg 21, 51465 Berglisch Gladbach
Tel: +49 2202 989988 11
Web: www.bagcbf.de
Email: info@bagcbf.de
-Deutscher Rollstuhl-Sportverband e. V.
(German Wheelchair Sport Federation)
Berufsgenossenschaftliches UnfallkrankenhausHamburg , Bergedorfer Straße 10, 21033 Hamburg
Tel. +49 (0)40 73063814 -Fax +49 (0)40 73061390
Email: peter.richarz@rollstuhlsport.de
(German Wheelchair Sport Federation)
Berufsgenossenschaftliches Unfallkrankenhaus
Tel. +49 (0)40 73063814 -Fax +49 (0)40 73061390
Email: peter.richarz@rollstuhlsport.de
-Fordergemeinschaft der Querschnittgelahmten in Deutschland
Seidenweberhof 10, 79618, Rheinfelden
Tel: +49 (0)7623 8556
Web: www.fgq.de
Email: beate.kellerman@gmx.deSeidenweberhof 10, 79618, Rheinfelden
Tel: +49 (0)7623 8556
Web: www.fgq.de