قلب شجاع - Brave Heart  قلب شجاع - Brave Heart

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  1. What is your point. His art is only of value because his twisted mind sought after fame through murder. I think you have one good point, in vienna he would have shot himself because he could not paint.


His Crushed Dream Turned Into A Tragic Nightmare For The World

His Crushed Dream Turned Into A Tragic 
Nightmare For The World

A young man's dream to be an artist was crushed when his application to enter the fine arts academy was rejected.
He painted these pictures

The person who painted these pictures wanted to attend the Viennese academy of Fine arts and become famous as an artist.
If he had been accepted by the academy, the world history would have been much different. 
 His Name Was Adolph Hitler

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قلب شجاع - Brave Heart