قلب شجاع - Brave Heart  قلب شجاع - Brave Heart

آخر الأخبار

جاري التحميل ...

The Shield Intention

The Shield Intention
God, Goddess, All That Is, I ask to be shielded with a shield of light, love and consciousness from the feelings, emotions, psychic energies and unconscious energies of the people I interact with and work around.  

I ask to be aware of what feeling they are feeling and what emotion they are experiencing and yet have all my choices available to me.  

I ask that this be maintained constantly and continuously through me 24 hours a day 7 days a week for as far as I can see into the future. 

I ask that this be done through me.
I ask this of my own free will.

I ask this of love and in full faith.
God, Goddess, All That Is, I ask to be kept safe and I choose to be harmless to myself and others no matter what it takes to do so.  

I ask that my behavior be appropriate and in context to what is really going on.  

I ask this be maintained constantly and continuously through me. 

I ask this of love and in full faith.

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قلب شجاع - Brave Heart